Easterling Veterinary Services offers many different programs for animals. Besides providing care for large and small animals, from basic check-ups to major surgery, Dr. Easterling is certified in animal chiropractic care.
Also offered is therapeutic laser therapy for small and large animals.
Dr. Easterling is certified in laser therapy on pets. Laser therapy is a noninvasive procedure that uses light to stimulate cells and increase blood circulation. At the correct laser wavelength, pain signals are reduced and nerve sensitivity decreases. The procedure also releases endorphins, or natural painkillers. The procedure is based on the idea that light is absorbed into the cells. The process, known as photo-biotherapy, stimulates protein synthesis and cell metabolism, which improves cell health and functionality.
The therapy can take as little as eight to 10 minutes on a small dog or cat, or about a half hour for bigger dogs with more arthritic areas. Many thanks to Karma for letting us photograph the session. (Karma is the dog) -Photos Easterling Vet Services